Nuno Miguel Velosa Nunes



- Asparagopsis taxiformis D., Ulva lactuca L. and Zonaria tournefortii L. from Madeira: Fatty acid composition, TLC screening, ATR-FTIR analysis, anti-cholinesterase activity and in vitro cytotoxicity to A549 tumor cell line., NUNES, N., ROSA, G., FERRAZ, S., MARIA CARMO BARRETO, PINHEIRO DE CARVALHO, M.A.A., 2211-9264, Journal of Applied Phycology., 2020, 13

- Biochemical study on marine algae and seaweed beach casts from Madeira archipelago and Canary Islands using a multivariate analysis to determine its multi-compound bioresource potential., NUNES, N., VALENTE, S., FERRAZ, S., CARMO BARRETO, M., PINHEIRO DE CARVALHO, M.A.A., Botanica Marina, 2020, 16

- Pharmacological and cosmeceutical potential of seaweed beach-casts of Macaronesia., ZÁRATE, R., PORTILLO, E., TEIXIDÓ, S., NUNES, N., PINHEIRO DE CARVALHO, M.A.A., FERRAZ, S., SECA, A.M.L., ROSA, G.P., BARRETO, M.C., Applied Sciences, 2020, 24

- Constructing ethanol-derived bioactive extracts using the brown seaweed Zonaria tournefortii (J.V. Lamouroux) Montagne performed with Timatic extractor by means of Response Surface Methodology (RSM)., NUNES, N.M.V, VALENTE, S., FERRAZ, S., BARRETO, M.C., PINHEIRO DE CARVALHO. M.A.A., Journal of Applied Phycology, 2019, 1

- Different Seaweeds Use for Iodine Deficiency Overcome, Sónia Ferraz, Carla Ragonezi, Nuno Nunes, Sofia Valente, Miguel AA Pinheiro de Carvalho, 2574 -124, Biomedical Journal of Scientific & Technical Research (BJSTR), 2019

- Validation of a spectrophotometric methodology for a rapid iodine analysis in algae and seaweed casts., NUNES, N., VALENTE, S, FERRAZ, S., MARIA CARMO BARRETO, PINHEIRO DE CARVALHO, M.A.A., Algal Research. Biomass Biofuels and Bioproducts., 2019, 8

- Vortex-assisted solid-liquid microextraction methodology for Rapid HPLC/PDA determination of fucoxanthin in seaweed biomass., NUNES, N., LEÇA, J.M., PEREIRA, A.C., PEREIRA, V., FERRAZ, S., BARRETO, M.C., MARQUES, J.C., PINHEIRO DE CARVALHO, M.A.A., 23rd International Seaweed Symposium, 2019

- Nutraceutial potential of Asparagopsis taxiformis (Delile) Trevisan extracts and assessment of a downstream purification strategy., NUNES, N., VALENTE, S., FERRAZ, S., CARMO BARRETO, M., PINHEIRO DE CARVALHO, M.A.A., Heliyon. 4 (11), e00957, 2018, 28

- Analysis of biochemical composition and antioxidant properties of 7 seaweed from Madeira Archipelago., NUNES, N., FERRAZ, S., VALENTE, S., BARRETO, MARIA DO CARMO, PINHEIRO DE CARVALHO, M.A.A., Journal of Applied Phycology. 29(5), 2017, 11