Miguel Ângelo Almeida Pinheiro de Carvalho


Penteada University Campus , Floor 1, Office 1.122


(+351) 291 705 386 / 5386

Há procura da matéria negra nos sistemas de produção alimentar da Madeira!....

Biographical Notes

Miguel A.A. Pinheiro de Carvalho, Associate Professor in Habilitation at Life Sciences Faculty and Coordinator of ISOPlexis, Centre for Sustainable Agriculture and Food Technology, University of Madeira, Portugal. ORCID: 0000-0002-5084-870X He obtained a M.Sc. in Biochemistry and a Ph.D. in Plant Biochemistry and Physiology from the Voronezh State University, Russia Federation, and Abilitation Degree in Biochemistry and Biotechnology form University of Madeira, Portugal.
Coordinator and researcher at ISOPlexis, Center for Sustainable Agriculture and Food Technology, UMa and researcher at CITAB, Research Center for Agro-food and Biological Technologies, UTAD. Member of the Inov4Agro Associate Laboratory.
During the last 28 years he has teaching the courses of biochemistry, enzymology, environmental biochemistry, economic botany and agrodiversity at the Life Sciences Faculty and School of Management and Technology. In the meantime, leads a multidisciplinary research program in agrodiversity monitoring and agriculture sustainability, using local genetic and other bioresources to promote sustainability and resilience of agrosystems and food production systems. His research has been presented in a form of over 13 books, 148 papers and book chapters and 143 conference oral or panel communications.
ORCID: 0000-0002-5084-870X
Scopus author ID: 8758577600
ISOPlexis (uma.pt)
ISOPlexis - Centro em Agricultura Sustentável e Tecnologia Alimentar | Facebook


- Analysis of genetic diversity of Beta patula and its spatial distribution in the populations from Ilheu do Desembarcadouro and Ilheu Chão., Ragonezi, C., Nóbrega, H.G.M., Leite, M.I., Freitas, J.G., Macedo, F.L., Pinheiro de Carvalho, M.Â.A., Agriculture, 2023, 15

- Biostimulants encapsulation with natural polymers: an agricultural approach for newcomers., Jíménez-Arias, D., Morales-Sierra, S., Silva, P., Carrêlo, H., Gonçalves, A., Ganança, J.F.T., Nunes, N., Goveia, C.S.S., Alves, S., Borges, J.P., Pinheiro de Carvalho, M.Â.A., Plants, 2023, 19

- Características físico-quimicas, nutricionais e antioxidantes de farinha de tamarilho., Gouveia, C.S.S., Vieira, A.C., Freitas, G., Marques, J.C., Pinheiro de Carvalho, M.Â.A., 978-972-8936-47-1., 5º Simpósio Nacional de Fruticultura., 2023

- Caracteristicas nutricionais e biofuncionais de variedades de abacate (Persea americana Mill.) da Região Autónoma da Madeira., Gonçalves, D., Gouveia, C.S.S., Freitas, G., Pinheiro de Carvalho, M.Â.A., 978-972-8936-47-1, 5º Simpósio Nacional de Fruticultura., 2023

- Chitosan nanoparticles an eco-friendly alternative to enhance Menadione Sodium Bisulfite biostimulants properties against drought., Jimenez Arias, D., Bonardd, S., Morales-Sierra, S., Pinheiro de Carvalho, M.A.A.; Díaz Díaz, D., Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2023, 9

- Estudo da composição centesimal e fitonutrientes em cladódios de tabaibeira., Gouveia, C.S.S., Gomes, G.M.F., Rodrigues, M., Nunes, R., Ragonezi, C., Pinheiro de Carvalho, M.Â.A., 978-972-8936-47-1., 5º Simpósio Nacionald e Fruticultura., 2023

- Marine Macroalgae for Industrial Extraction of Valuable Biofunctional Compounds Using Biorefinery. Algal Metabolites. Biotechnological, Commercial, and Industrial Applications. J. Sangeetha, Thangadurai, D., Islam, S., Hospet, R. Palm Bay, : 401-464 [19], Nunes, N., Barreto, M.C., Pinheiro de Carvalho, M.Â.A., 978-1-00334-608-1, Apple Academic Press, 2023

- Monitorização do ciclo de produção da bananeira com a utilização de recursos em agricultura de precisão., Neto, J.P.S., Sousa, P.A.S., Freitas, J.G.R., Nóbrega, H.G.M., Gouveia, C.S.S., Pinheiro de Carvalho, M.Â.A., 978-972-8936-47-1., 5º Simpósio Nacionald e Fruticultura., 2023

- Revelling the composition and nutraceutical potential of Grateloupia lanceola biorefinery derived extracts, collected in the offshore fish cages at Madeira Archipelago., Nunes, N., Barros, A., Pinheiro de Carvalho, M.A.A., 12th International Seaweed Conference EU. Trondheim, Norway, 2023

- Adapting Agriculture to Climate Change: a synopsis of coordinated national crop wild relative seed collecting programs across five continentes. "The Impact of Vavilov?s Concept of the Centres of Crop Origin and Diversity on Research, Conservation, and Utilization of Plant Genetic Resources Today?A R, Eastwood, R.J., Tambam, B.B., Aboagye, L.M., Akparov, Z.I., Aladele, S.E., Allen, R., Amri, A., Anglin, N.L., Araya, R., Asgerov, A., Awang, Kh., Awas, T., Barata, A.M., Boateng, S.K., Brehm, J.M., Breidy, J., Breman, E., Angulo, A.B., Burle, M.L., C, 2223-7747, Plants, 2022, 18

Current Duties

- Director of the Higher Technical Professionals Degree in Organic Farming - diretor.ab.tesp@mail.uma.pt

- Director of the Higher Technical Professionals Degree in Agri-food Technologies - diretor.ta.tesp@mail.uma.pt

- Director of the Higher Technical Professionals Degree in - diretor.ab.tesp@mail.uma.pt

- Director of the Higher Technical Professionals Degree in - diretor.ta.tesp@mail.uma.pt