Assistant Lecturer

(+351) 291 705 170 / 5170


- Shielded base contraction, Marco Garapa, Eduardo Fermé and Maurício D. L. Reis, 0004-3702, Artificial Intelligence, 2018, 31

- On Ensconcement and Contraction, Eduardo Fermé, Marco Garapa and Maurício D. L. Reis, 0955-792X, Journal of Logic and Computation, 2017, 32

- Construction of system of spheres-based transitively relational partial meet multiple contractions: An impossibility result, Maurício D.L. Reis, Eduardo Fermé and Pavlos Peppas, 0004-3702, Artificial Intelligence, 2016, 20

- Two Axiomatic Characterizations for the System of Spheres-based (and the Epistemic Entrenchment-based) Multiple Contractions, Maurício D. L. Reis, Pavlos Peppas and Eduardo Fermé, 1012-2443, Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence, 2016, 23

- On the interrelation between systems of spheres and epistemic entrenchment relations, Maurício D. L. Reis, 1367-0751, Logic Journal of the IGPL, 2014, 21

- Epistemic Entrenchment-based Multiple Contractions, Fermé, E. and Reis, M.D.L., 1755-0203, REVIEW OF SYMBOLIC LOGIC, 2013, 28

- Possible Worlds Semantics for Partial Meet Multiple Contraction, Reis, M.D.L. and Fermé, E., 0022-3611, JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC, 2012, 22 41

- Prioritized and Non-prioritized Multiple Change on Belief Bases, Falappa, M.A., Kern-Isberner, G., Reis, M.D.L. and Simari, G.R., 0022-3611, JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC, 2012, 37 41

- System of Spheres-based Multiple Contractions, Fermé, E. and Reis, M.D.L., 0022-3611, JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC, 2012, 24 41

- Calculation of the Defect Numbers of the Generalized Hilbert and Carleman Boundary Value Problems with Linear Fractional Carleman Shift, Jorge Ferreira, Gueorgui S. Litvinchuk, Maurício D. L. Reis, 0378-620X, INTEGRAL EQUATIONS AND OPERATOR THEORY, 2007, 23 57

Current Duties

- Director of the Degree in -