Assistant Lecturer

(+351) 291 705 295 / 5295


- ICSI3 - International Conference on Structural Integrity, ISSN: 2452-3216, ICSI3 - International Conference on Structural Integrity, 2019

- Design of self-compacting high-performance concrete: Study of mortar phase., Matos, Ana Mafalda; Maia, Lino; Nunes, Sandra; Milheiro-Oliveira, Paula, 0950-0618, Construction & Building Materials, 2018, 14 167

- HAC-BAC | Congreso Iberoamericano de Hormigon Autocompactable y Hormigones Especiales, 978-8490485910, HAC-BAC | Congreso Iberoamericano de Hormigon Autocompactable y Hormigones Especiales, 2018

- Developing a Commercial Self-Compacting Concrete Without Limestone Filler and With Volcanic Aggregate Materials, Lino Maia, Diana Neves, 2452-3216, Procedia Structural Integrity, 2017, 8

- Effect of specimen geometry and specimen preparation on the concrete compressive strength test, Farhad Aslani, Lino Maia, José Santos, 1225-4568, Structural Engineering and Mechanics, 2017, 10

- ICSI2 - International Conference on Structural Integrity, ISSN: 2452-3216, ICSI2 - International Conference on Structural Integrity, 2017

- Low durability of concrete elements due to steel corrosion ? cases wherein the steel reinforcing bars acted as an internal clock bomb, Lino Maia, Sérgio Alves, 2452-3216, Procedia Structural Integrity, 2017, 8

- Encontro Nacional BETÃO ESTRUTURAL - BE2016, Encontro Nacional BETÃO ESTRUTURAL - BE2016, 2016

- Modulus of elasticity of concretes produced with basaltic aggregate, Lino Maia, Farhad Aslani, 1598-8198, Computers and Concrete, 2016, 12

- Resistência mecânica de painéis compósitos de betão leve aligeirado com granulado de EPS, Lino Maia, José Santos, Encontro Nacional BETÃO ESTRUTURAL - BE2016, 2016, 9