José Paulo Gomes Brazão

Assistant Lecturer

Penteada University Campus , Floor -1, Office 01.81

(+351) 291 705 204 / 5204

"Human salvation lies in the hands of the creatively maladjusted." Martin Luther King, Jr.

Biographical Notes

José Paulo Gomes Brazão holds a Doctorate in Education - Pedagogical Innovation (2008) from the University of Madeira (UMa), Portugal. He is a teacher and researcher in the scientific field of Education: Pedagogical Innovation and Sex-Genre Diversity. He is currently a Postdoctoral Fellow (2022) in the Education Graduate Program, specializing in Education, Culture, and Diversity, at the Federal University of Sergipe (UFS). He is also a Postdoctoral Researcher in Education (2023) at the UIDEF of the Institute of Education at the University of Lisbon (Portugal). He obtained a Master's degree in Educational Psychology (2000) from the Institute of Psychological, Social, and Life Sciences (ISPA). Since February 2022, he has been a Guest Professor at the Federal University of Sergipe (UFS - BR) and a Visiting Professor at the State University of Bahia (UNEB - BR). He is an Associate Member of the Education Research Center at the University of Madeira (CIE-UMa), a FCT-PEst-OE/CED/UI4083/2014 - (PT) center. He is also an Associate Member of the CONQUEER Research Group - Queer Studies and Feminist Epistemologies at the Federal University of Sergipe - (BR), and the Afro-Latin-American Scientific and Technological Education Research Group - GP-ECITALA. Additionally, he is a member of the Visual Culture, Education, and Languages Research Group - Cult-Vi, within the Education and Diversity Graduate Program at UNEB - BR. He publishes in the field of Pedagogical Innovation and maintains an interest in research on cultural invariants, gender studies in educational contexts, ethnographic studies in education, and the use of technology and internet tools in learning contexts. He has supervised master's dissertations and doctoral theses and has participated as an examiner in master's and doctoral defenses in Pedagogical Innovation. From 2010 to 2018, he served as the director of the master's program in Preschool Education and Teaching of the Primary School Degree.


- Atención a la diversidad sexo-genérica en el contexto educativo: Una nueva mirada hacia un enfoque inclusivo, Brazão, P., Sanchez B. (Org)., 2023

- Diálogos sobre a diversidade sexual e de gênero no contexto da Rede Nordeste de Ensino de Pós-Graduação em Educação (RENOEN), Dias, A. F. ., Silva, I. P. da, Amar, V. & Brazão, J. P. G., Revista Educação em Questão, Natal, 2023, 25

- Pesquisas em educação e redes colaborativas, Brazão, P., Lucena, S.; Nascimento, M. & Boa Sorte, P. (orgs), 2023

- Afirmações dos estudantes sobre pessoa transexual: um estudo comparativo na Universidade Federal de Sergipe (Brasil) e na Universidade da Madeira (Portugal), Brazão , J. P. G. ., Dias, A. F., 2237-9460, Revista Exitus, 2022, 24

- Alianças de gênero: contribuições para uma epistemologia feminista em educação: uma apresentação, Dias, A.F., Nascimento, A. P. L., Cruz, M. H. S., Brazão, J.P.G., 1983-5000, Revista Labor, 2022, 3

- Ancestral Pedagoy: An investigation into the existence and resistance of the identity of the quilombola community of Alto do Capim, Quixabeira-Bahia, Nascimento, B., Castro, Éden, & Brazão, Paulo, 2236-0441, Revista Nuances: Estudos Sobre Educação, 2022, 16

- Comparando reflexões sobre a inclusão da diversidade sexual e de gênero, Paulo Brazão, Mesa 4 Reflexiones del futuro profesorado sobre la inclusión de la diversidad sexogenérica - II Seminário de Internacionalização do PPGED/UFS, da Universidade Federal de Sergipe, 2022

- Contemporary education and pedagogical innovation: a new paradigm, Castro, Éden de, & Brazão, Paulo, 1519-902, Revista on Line De Política E Gestão Educacional, 2022, 22

- Diversidade sexual e de género, Paulo Brazão, Mesa Redonda Ensino, Diversidade, Cultura e Questões de Gênero na Sociedade Contemporânea, da Universidade Federal de Alagoas (UFAL) Brasil, 2022

- Diversidade sexual e de género na academia, Brazão, José Paulo Gomes, Dias, Alfrancio Ferreira, 978-65-86839-12-8, Editora Ibero-Americana de Educação, 2022 1

Academic Qualifications

- PhD in Pos-doutoramento Educação Cultura e Diversidade, 2022, Universidade Federal de Sergipe

- PhD in Educação, 2008, University of Madeira

- Master Degree in Psicologia Educacional, 2000, ISPA

- Undergraduate Degree in Educação Especial, 1990, ESE LISBOA