José António Teixeira Cardoso


Penteada University Campus , Floor 2, Office 2.11

(+351) 291 705 134 / 5134

Biographical Notes

2015, PhD in Sociology, "Ways of life of young people in Madeira", School of Sociology and Public Policy, ISCTE - IUL
2002, Post-Graduation in Regional Law, University of Madeira under the protocol between UMa and the Faculty of Law of the University of Lisbon.
1996, Post-Graduation in Sociology, Master in Sociology, European Sociology and Politics, ISCTE - IUL
1996, Post-Graduation in Political Philosophy - Freedom, Virtue and Self Interest. Summer University of the Foundation for the Discoveries, Lisbon.
1987, Tennis Stage, Andrés Gimeno Academy, Barcelona.
1983, 3rd Degree Tennis Coaches Course, National Institute of Sports, Portuguese Tennis Federation.
1982, International Coaching Scheme, International Tennis Federation.
1978, Degree in Physical Education, INEF, Technical University of Lisbon.
1973, Photography and Film Course, Army Cartographic Service, Lisbon
1972, Course at the Lisbon Physical Education Instructors School.
1970, General Formation Course in Decorative Painting.

2006, Regional Mandate for the Candidacy of Manuel Alegre for the Presidency of the Republic
1997/2005, President of the Madeira Socialist Party (2001/2002); Member of the VIII Legislature in the Assembly of the Republic; member of the Education and European Affairs Committees; Municipal Deputy at Funchal City Council (1997/2001), Presidential Candidate (2001), Councilor (2001/2005).
Since 1990, Professor at the University of Madeira
1990 / 1992, Sports Journalist at RTP Madeira
1981 / 2008, Commercial Entrepreneur in the field of sporting goods
1981 / 1990, Field Tennis Teacher: Author of the Tennis Development Plan in Madeira, Technician and Coordinator of the DRD Tennis Schools.
1976 / 1977, Visual Education Teacher in Secondary Education
1974 / 1982, Physical Education Teacher in Secondary Education

Sociology, Anthropology, Philosophy, History,

Academic Qualifications

- PhD in Sociologia, 2015, ISCTE - Instituto Universitário de lisboa