Jorge Nélio Marques Ferreira

Assistant Lecturer

(+351) 291 705 191 / 5191


- The invariant rings of the Sylow groups of GU(3,q2), GU(4,q2), Sp(4,q) and O+(4,q) in the natural characteristic., Jorge N.M. Ferreira and Peter Fleischmann, 0747-7171, Journal of Symbolic Computation, Volume 79, Part 2, 2017, 16

- The Invariant Fields of the Sylow Groups of Classical Groups in the Natural Characteristic, Jorge N. M. Ferreira and Peter Fleischmann, Communications in Algebra, 2016, 34

- Mathematics Higher Education with Interactive Computing Resources, Camacho, L., Garapa, M., Ferreira, J.N.M., 978-989-8798-01-5, 2015

- The Invariant Fields of Sylow p-subgroups of Finite classical Groups, Ferreira J.N., Fleischmann P., British Mathematical Colloquium (BMC), 2012

- Notas de Cálculo II, Ferreira J. N., Gordon M., Rodrigues L. E., 2011

- Calculation of the Defect Numbers of the Generalized Hilbert and Carleman Boundary Value Problems with Linear Fractional Carleman Shift, Jorge Ferreira, Gueorgui S. Litvinchuk, Maurício D. L. Reis, 0378-620X, INTEGRAL EQUATIONS AND OPERATOR THEORY, 2007, 23 57

Current Duties

- Vice-Presidente of the Faculdade de Ciências Exatas e da Engenharia