Jesus Maria Angélica Fernandes


Penteada University Campus , Floor -1, Office 01.78

(+351) 291 705 203 / 5203

Biographical Notes

Full Professor

2003, Aggregation in Curriculum with a public lesson on the ?Political dimension in Curriculum?, University of Madeira ? Portugal;
1996, PhD. Teacher Education, University of Madeira ? Portugal;
1995, PhD. Lettres et Sciences Humaines, CERSE, Université de Caen ? France;
1986, Ma. Education in Curriculum Analysis and Organisation, University of Minho ? Portugal;
1975, Ba. Germanistic Studies, Faculty of Letters, University of Lisbon ? Portugal.

Professional Category
Since 2004: Full Professor
2003-2004: Associate Professor with Aggregation
2001-2003: Associate Professor
1998-2001: Assistant Professor
1988-1998: Adjunct Professor
1977-1986: Secondary Teacher

Institutional Responsibilities:
Coordinator of the Department of Education, University of Madeira (UMa);
2008-2016: Member of General Council, UMa;
2007-2016: Director of the Research Centre in Education of UMa;
2010-2012: President of the Social Sciences Faculty, UMa;
1996-1998: Vice-Rector of the UMa (Pedagogical and Students Affairs).

Scientific experience
Expert for Marie Sk?odowska-Curie Individual Fellowships H2020-MSCA-IF-2016 European & Global Fellowships - Scientific Panel ECO-SOC.
Member of Red Iberoamericana de investigación sobre la calidad de la Educación Superior.
Member of Executive Council of European Society of Ethnography and Education, 1999-2008.
Member of the Administrative Council of the Association for Teacher Education in Europe (ATEE), 2000-05.
Team leader of an International Assessment group for study programmes in Education in Lithuania, 2008-09, and 2013-14 - Studiu Kokibès Vertinimo Centras (HE Quality Assessment).
Member of Advisory Board of the Portuguese Society of Educational Sciences (SPCE)
Director of Master programme in Pedagogical Supervision.
Director of PhD programme in Curriculum and Pedagogical Innovation.
Supervisor of 40 Master?s and 12 PhD?s finalised thesis.


- Currículo, Fronteiras e Migrações, SOUSA, J. M., 978-989-8525-57-4, CIEd, Instituto de Educação, Universidade do Minho, 2018

- Escola em sofrimento?, SOUSA, J. M., 978-989-8805-23-2, Universidade da Madeira, 2018

- O Impacto do Doutoramento de Caen, SOUSA, J. M., 978-989-8272-28-7, EDUCA - Instituto de Educação da Universidade de Lisboa, 2018

- (Contra)Tempos de Educação e Democracia, Evocando John Dewey, CIE-UMa, 978-989-95857-8-2, (Contra)Tempos de Educação e Democracia, Evocando John Dewey, 2017

- A avaliação dos cursos em ciências da educação de uma universidade da ultraperiferia: o caso da Universidade da Madeira, FINO, C. N. & SOUSA, J. M., 978-989-96261-6-4, XIII SPCE: fronteiras, diálogos e transições na educação, 2017, 10

- A prática pedagógica indígena como perspectiva de inovação, LEITE, A. & SOUSA, J. M., 2448-4210, Encontro Internacional Trabalho e Perspetiva de Formação de Trabalhadores, 2017, 14

- A relação de poder entre o Currículo e a Didática. O caso da Universidade da Madeira., SOUSA, J. M., 978-989-95857-8-2, CIE-UMa, 2017

- Discutindo conceitos em torno do Currículo, SOUSA, J. M., 1983-6597, Revista Tempos e Espaços em Educação, vol. 10 (23), 2017, 11

- Knowledge and Curriculum Boundaries?, SOUSA, J. M., 2182-7168, European Journal of Curriculum Studies, Vol 4 (2), 2017, 12

- Portugal, SOUSA, J. M. & FINO, C. N., 978-3-8340-1705-5, Schneider Verlag Hohengehren, 2017

Academic Qualifications

- PhD in Lettres et Sciences Humaines, 1995, Université de Caen