Irene Gomes Câmara Camacho

Assistant Lecturer

Penteada University Campus

(+351) 291 705 398 / 5398

To be happy, try to work with something you love doing, doing your duty a true leisure (Johnny De Carli).

Biographical Notes

Assistant Professor with Aggregation at the University of Madeira (UMa).

PhD in Biology with specialization in Biochemistry and Biotechnology (UMa). The thesis on Aerobiology and pollen allergens was completed in 2007. One of the chapters of the thesis won the UCB Pharma / SPAIC award in 2008 for the best clinical-laboratory research work in Immunoallergology.
Areas of scientific interest: Aerobiology, in all its aspects: Allergological, Aeromycological and Phytopathological; Study of the interaction and impact of (bio)pollutants on human anatomophysiology.

Responsible for the UC "Toxicology" (Master of Biochemistry)

Attended 14 advanced training courses, 4 of which in the e-Learning modality.
Attended 2 Professional Internships at the Faculty of Pharmacy of the University of Barcelona (1997).
Attended a postgraduate course at the Pasteur Institute, Paris (2003) and at the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Porto (2005).
Attended the Certified Mold Remediation Training Course at the Indoor Air Quality Training Institute, New York (2005).
Member of the local organization of the SUMMER COURSE EAACI - European Academy of Allergology and Clinical Immunology - Aerobiology and Environment, UMa (2004).

11 Awards: 1 for entrepreneurship and 10 for research (given by scientific societies and/or national and international congresses). Congratulatory vote from the Legislative Assembly of Madeira for the most recent SPP-Pfizer 2020 award.


- The allergenic potential of green urban areas in the Macaronesian islands: The case of Funchal City (Madeira), Irene Camacho, Álvaro Macías-de-la-Rosa, Roberto Camacho, Agnieszka Grinn-Gofroń, Paloma Cariñanos, Urban Climate (IF=6.4), 2024, 17

- Trends in airborne grass pollen in Évora City (Portugal), Elsa Caeiro, Roberto Camacho, Manuel Branco Ferreira, Pedro Carreiro‑Martins, Irene Camacho, Aerobiologia, 2024

- Urinary Proteomic/Peptidomic Biosignature of Breast Cancer Patients Using 1D SDS-PAGE Combined with Matrix-Assisted Laser Desorption/Ionization-Time of Flight Mass Spectrometry, Patrícia Sousa, Irene Camacho, José S. Câmara, Rosa Perestrelo, Separations, 2023, 17

Academic Qualifications

- PhD in Biologia, 2007, University of Madeira

- Undergraduate Degree in Biologia, 1997, University of Madeira