Inês Tadeu Freitas Gonçalves


Penteada University Campus , Floor 1, Office 1.121

(+351) 291 705 363 / 5363

"The beginning is always today." Mary Wollstonecraft

Biographical Notes

Inês Tadeu F. G. received her PhD in Cultural Studies from the University of Minho, Portugal. She has been a lecturer at the University of Madeira, Faculty of Arts and Humanities, Department of Languages, Literatures and Cultures, since 2000, where she teaches Anglo-American Cultures and Civilisations, Contemporary Great Britain and English Language courses. With several publications, her research interests include Historical fiction and mnemonic (re)creations of the (trans)cultural memory of women with inversionary behaviour, such as the wom-an-as-witch and the evil woman. Research fields include Cultural Studies, Women Studies and Memory Studies.


- The New «Old» Woman as Witch, Inês Tadeu FG, 978‑989‑755‑831‑3, Húmus, 2023

- Hacker, Barton C.; Paisana, Joanne; Pereira, Margaret Esteves; Costa, Jaime; Vining, Margaret (2021): Connecting Women: National and International Networks during the Long Nineteenth Century. Open Monographs. Book. ?The Salem Witches (Re)Created as Nineteenth-Century Romantic Heroines,? pp. 169-190., Inês Tadeu FG, Smithsonian Scholarly Press, 2021

- ?Nineteenth-century American Romantic Witches.?, Inês Tadeu FG, ?International Conference titled Witchcraft and Human Rights: Past, Present and Future Perspectives?, na Universidade de Lancaster, 2019

- Sousa, S., Aguiar, M., Grossegesse, O., & Ramon, M. (eds.), ?No princípio era a palavra? ? O lugar das Humanidades. Atas do XIX Colóquio de Outono. CEHUM / Ed. Húmus, 2019, ?In a flight of ?fancy? from Pendle to Salem.?, Inês Tadeu FG, ISBN: 978-989-755-4, XIX Colóquio de Outono: ?No princípio era a palavra? ? O lugar das Humanidades., 2019, 110

- The writing over of the woman-as-witch of Salem, Inês Tadeu FG, 14th International conference of the Spanish Association for American Studies (SAAS) titled The Image and the World: Interactions between American Literature, Media, Visual Arts and Film na Universi, 2019

- ?The inescapable transatlantic flights of fancy of the (young) woman-as-witch heroine.?, Inês Tadeu FG, Conferência internacional ?Voyage and Cosmopolitanism: From the Island to the World? com, na Universidade da Madeira, 2018

- ? ?Scribbling? the Witch Heroines?., Inês Tadeu FG, ?38th Conference of the Portuguese Association Anglo-American Studies?, 2017

- ?In a flight of Fancy from Pendle to Salem.?, Inês Tadeu FG, XIX Autumn Colloqium 2017 - ?In the beginning was the word: the place of Humanities?, na Universidade do Minho, 2017

- ?Luther and the Woman-as-Witch?., Inês Tadeu FG, Conferencia Internacional «Um Constructor da Modernidade: Lutero ? Teses ? 500 Anos», na Fundação Gulbenkian e Universidade Lusófona, 2017

- ?The Salem Witches (re)created as 19th-century Romantic Heroines.?, Inês Tadeu FG, ?Society for the Study of American Women Writers - Conferência internacional «Border Crossings: Translation, Migration & Gender in the Americas, the Transatlantic, & the Transpacific» na Universidade, 2017

Academic Qualifications

- PhD in Ciências da Cultura, 2023, Universidade do Minho

- Undergraduate Degree in Línguas e Literaturas Anglo-Germanísticas, 2000, University of Madeira