Filipe Magno de Gouveia Quintal


Penteada University Campus , Floor 2, Office 2.134

(+351) 291 705 308 / 5308


- Designing Smart Plugs for Interactivity and Energy Sustainability via a Survey and Thematic Analysis, Mary Barreto , Diego Casado-Mansilla , Augusto Esteves , Filipe Magno de Gouveia Quintal, NordiCHI '22: Nordic Human-Computer Interaction Conference, 2022, 12

- Editorial - Energies - Special Issue on Energy Monitoring Technologies, Filipe Quintal, Energies - Special Issue on Energy Monitoring Technologies, 2021, 1

- Energy monitoring in the wild: platform development and lessons learned from a real-world demonstrator, Filipe Quintal, Daniel Garigali, Dino Vasconcelos, Jonathan Cavaleiro, Wilson Santos, Lucas Pereira, Energies, 2021

- HapWheel: in-car infotainment system feedback using haptic and hovering techniques, Filipe Quintal, Marco Lima, EEE Transactions on Haptics, 2021, 10

- A global monitoring system for electricity consumption and production of household roof-top PV systems in Madeira, Roham Torabi, Sandy Rodrigues, Nuno Cafôfo, Lucas Pereira, Filipe Quintal, Nuno Nunes, Fernando Morgado-Dias, Neural Computing and Applications, 2020, 10

- Analysis of Carbon Saving by the Adoption of Electric Vehicles in a Region Where Electricity Generation is Dominated by Thermal Power Plants, P Pyakurel, F Quintal, J Auger, J Hanna - Strategic Planning for Energy and the Environment, Strategic Planning for Energy and the Environment, 2020, 14

- MyTukxi: Low Cost Smart Charging for Small Scale EVs, Quintal, F. and Scuri, S. and Barreto, M. and Pereira, L. and Vasconcelos, D. and Pestana, D., 978-1-4503-5971-9, Extended Abstracts of the 2019 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 2019, 6

- The Acceptance of Energy Monitoring Technologies-the Case of Local Prosumers., Barreto, M. and Pereira, L. and Quintal, F., ICT for Sustainability 2019, 2019

- Wattom: A Consumption and Grid Aware Smart Plug with Mid-air Controls, Quintal, F. and Esteves, A. and Caires, F. and Baptista, V. and Mendes, P., TEI '19: Proceedings of the Thirteenth International Conference on Tangible, Embedded, and Embodied Interaction, 2019, 7

- Wattom: Ambient Eco-feedback with Mid-air Input, Esteves, A. and Quintal, F. and Caires, F. and Baptista, V. and Mendes, P., 5th Experiment International Conference (exp. at'19), 2019, 4

Academic Qualifications

- PhD in Engenharia Informática, 2016, Faculdade de Ciências Exatas e da Engenharia

- Master Degree in Engenharia Informática, 2010, University of Madeira

- Undergraduate Degree in Engenharia Informática, 2008, University of Madeira

Current Duties

- Director of the Degree in -