Assistant Lecturer

(+351) 291 705 385 / 5385


- 1º Memorando Histórico da Coleção de Insetos da Universidade da Madeira., Aguín-Pombo, D., Silva, H. M., 978-989-8805-70-6, Universidade da Madeira, 2022

- 1st Historical Memorandum of the University of Madeira Insect Collection. University of Madeira, Aguin-Pombo, D., Silva, H., Vieite, B. & Spinola, J., 978-989-8805-80-5, University of Madeira, 2022

- Correction: The two-spotted leafhopper, Sophonia orientalis, (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae): a new threat to European vineyards, Aguin-Pombo, D., Aguiar, A. M., Cravo, D., Miralles-Nuñez, A., Luque-Arnau, N., Valero, P., & Sabaté, J, Applied Entomology and Zoology, 2022, 11

- Discovery of Hishimonus diffractus Dai, Fletcher & Zhang, 2013 (Hemiptera: Auchenorrhyncha: Cicadellidae) in Europe, with remarks on previously recorded species of the genus, Bella, S., Aguin-Pombo, D., Aguiar, A. M., Kunz, G., Miralles-Nunez, A., Foster, S., Sanchez-Garcia, I., Wilson, M. R. & D'Urso, V., ISSN 1175, Zootaxa, 2022, 13

- The two-spotted leafhopper, Sophonia orientalis,(Hemiptera: Cicadellidae): a new threat to European vineyards, Aguin-Pombo, D., Aguiar, A. M., Cravo, D., Miralles-Nuñez, A., Luque-Arnau, N., Valero, P., & Sabaté, J., Applied Entomology and Zoology, 2022, 13

- Colémbolos (Hexapoda, Collembola) en cuevas volcánicas de la isla de Madeira, Arbea, J., Nunes, E., Aguin-Pombo, D., XIX Congresso Ibérico de Entomologia, 2021

- Low-cost digitization of small and personal entomological collections, Silva, H., Lopes, S., Daniela Gomes, D., Silva, C., Gomes, S., Hadden, C., Vieite, B., Mauro, L., Damas, J., Aguin-Pombo, D., XIX Congresso Ibérico de Entomologia, 2021

- Parthenogenesis and sex-ratio distorting bacteria in Empoasca (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae) Leafhoppers, Aguin-Pombo, D., Rodrigues, M. C., Voetdijk, B., & Breeuwer, J. A, Annals of the Entomological Society of America, 2021, 1

- Taxonomy of the Cixiidae (Hemiptera, Fulgoromorpha) from the Madeira archipelago, Freitas, E., & Aguin-Pombo, D., ISSN 2118, European Journal of Taxonomy, 2021, 3737

- Case report: Human dermatitis linked to Ornithonyssus bursa (Dermanyssoidea: Macronyssidae) infestation in Portugal, Waap, H., Aguin-Pombo, D., & Maia, M., Frontiers in Veterinary Science, 2020, 6