António Manuel Martins de Almeida

Assistant Lecturer

(+351) 291 705 052 / 5052


- Implementação de práticas da Economia Circular no setor da hotelaria: ponto de situação nas Canárias e na Madeira, Jacob, M., Florido, C., Almeida, A., Machado, L., Rodrigues, C., VII International Forum on Management, ?Recovery, uncertainty and digital transformation, 2023

- 'Nature Tourism', Machado, L., Almeida, A., 978 1 80037 747 9, Encyclopedia of Tourism Management and Marketing, Cheltenham, UK and Northampton, MA, USA: Edward Elgar Publishing, 2022 1

- 'Small Islands Developing States (SIDS)', Machado, L., Almeida, A., 978 1 80037 747 9, Encyclopedia of Tourism Management and Marketing, Cheltenham, UK and Northampton, MA, USA: Edward Elgar Publishing, 2022 1

- Accessibility, mobility, and seniors? satisfaction: lessons from a portfolio of events, Almeida, A., ICT 2022, International Tourism Congress, 16-19 Novembro, Lodz, Polónia International Tourism Congress, 16-19 Novembro, Lodz, Polónia, 2022

- Airports and the economic impact of air traffic noise emissions: a systematic review,, Costa, V., Teles, S., Fernandes, A., Almeida, A., Franco, M., Perna, F., Custódio, M.,, ICT 2022, International Tourism Congress, 16-19 Novembro, Lodz, Polónia International Tourism Congress, 16-19 Novembro, Lodz, Polónia, 2022

- Atitudes do mercado sénior relativamente a incidentes críticos e acesso a fontes de informação, Almeida, A., Machado, L., IX Colóquio Internacional "Olhares sobre o Envelhecimento, 2022

- Determinants of Visitors? Expenditure Across a Portfolio of Events, Almeida, A. , Garrod, B., 20440375, Tourism Economics, 2022, 26

- Economic impacts of TRANSQUADRA Sport Event Development and Tourism, Almeida, A., Soares, J.,, 30th European Sport Management Conference Bridging Sport, Tourism & Leisure Management, 2022, 2

- Gestão das Necessidades da Terceira Idade no Âmbito do Setor do Turismo, Almeida, A., Machado, L., no IX Colóquio Internacional "Olhares sobre o Envelhecimento, 2022

- Managing pre-emptively overtourism by promoting rural tourism in low-density areas: lessons from Madeira, Majdak, P. Almeida, A., 20711050, Sustainability, 2022, 20

Current Duties

- Representantes dos Professores e Investigadores