Ana Isabel Ferreira da Silva Moniz


Penteada University Campus , Floor 1

(+351) 291 705 241 / 5241

Biographical Notes

Ana Isabel Moniz is Associate Professor (Habilitation) at the University of Madeira (Portugal). She was awarded her Ph.D. in French Literature at the University of Madeira in 2003. She attended a postdoctoral study programme in contemporary Portuguese Literature funded by the National Science Foundation (FCT-PT) with the research project entitled ?Utopia and Travel: the invention of new places in Contemporary Literature?. She is a member of the Centre for Comparative Studies of the University of Lisbon, where she is Main Researcher of the ?Cluster Travel and Utopia?. She is also a collaborating member of the Instituto de Literatura Comparada Margarida Losa (University of Porto, PT).
She has participated in and/or co-organised annual international conferences and seminars. She has published a number of critical papers and essays in national and international journals. At present, her main areas of research are Comparative Literature as well as Contemporary Issues.


- Eugène Fromentin:o escritor, o pintor, o viajante, Ana Isabel Moniz, 978-989-53476-7-, Instituto de Literatura Comparada Margarida Losa, 2023

- I Colóquio Literaturas e Culturas Insulares - Ilhas, identidades, alteridades, I Colóquio Literaturas e Culturas Insulares - Ilhas, identidades, alteridades, 2023

- Jules Verne et l'univers ferroviaire : un voyage à travers sa vie et ses romans, Ana Isabel Moniz e María-Pilar Tresaco, 978-2-304-05510-8, Éditions Le Manuscrit, Coll. Exotopies, 2023

- V Colóquio Internacional de Línguas Estrangeiras-CILE Textos e Intertextos: de O Principezinho a outras manifestações artísticas, V Colóquio Internacional de Línguas Estrangeiras-CILE Textos e Intertextos: de O Principezinho a outras manifestações artísticas, 2023

- (Re)escrita e mundos paralelos em Ana Teresa Pereira, Ana Isabel Moniz, 9788899312992, Nuova Trauben editrice, 2022

- Changing the world - Michel Maffesoli and the contribution of micro-utopias, Ana Isabel Moniz, Utopia and Dystopia in Question. Mapping the Crisis: Theoretical, Critical and Fictional Issues, 2022

- Jules Verne et l'univers ferroviaire : un voyage à travers sa vie et ses romans, Ana Isabel Moniz e María-Pilar Tresaco, Imaginaires du Rail - Aiguillages critiques, 2022

- Tradução de Prefácio de Serge Tisseron - Que homem pretendemos para o dia de amanhã?, Ana Isabel Moniz, 978-989-26-2232-3, Imprensa da Universidade de Coimbra, 2022, 332

- Andronika: Conflit et identité (L'Archipel en feu de Jules Verne), Ana Isabel Moniz, María-Pilar Tresaco e Ana-María Claver, 978-989-755-610-4, Húmus, 2021

- António e Isabel do Arco da Calheta de João França, Ana Isabel Moniz e Sérgio Guimarães de Sousa, 978-989-9062-04-7, António e Isabel do Arco da Calheta de João França, 2021

Academic Qualifications

- PhD in Letras, 2003, University of Madeira

- Master Degree in Literatura Francesa, 1996, Universidade de Lisboa

- Undergraduate Degree in Línguas e Literaturas Modernas, variante de Estudos Portugueses e Franceses, 1988, Universidade Nova de Lisboa

Current Duties

- Representantes dos Professores e Investigadores