Patrícia Alexandra da Silva Rosa

Professor Auxiliar

Campus Universitário da Penteada, Piso 2, Sala 2.49

(+351) 291 705 144 / 5144

Nota Biográfica

1. Academic degrees
Diploma degree in Biology, University of Madeira (2001)
PhD in Molecular Biology and Population Genetics, University of Madeira (2007)
2. Current position
Assistant Professor (since 2014; invited Assistant Professor 2008-2014), Faculty of Life Sciences, University of Madeira
3. Research areas
3.1 Human Population Genetics
mtDNA and Y-chromosome phylogenetics
3.2 Genetic of Complex Diseases
Genomics of Behçet disease, sporadic colon cancer and asthma
Proteomics and microRnomics in Parkinson's disease
mtDNA SNPs and haplogroups as risk factors for stroke, ulcerative colitis, deep venous thromboembolism, peripheral arterial disease and celiac disease
4. Research collaborations
- Human Genetics Laboratory, University of Madeira (since 1999)
- Department of Evolutionary Biology, Estonian Biocentre, Tartu, Estonia (2001-2007)
- Human Genetics Group, Instituto Gulbenkian de Ciência (2007-2008)
- Human Genetics Group, Institute of Molecular Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, University of Lisbon (since 2009)
- Department of Cell Biology and Genomed, Institute of Molecular Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, University of Lisbon (since 2008)
- Instituto Tecnológico y de Energias Renováveis, S.A., Canary Islands (since 2018)
5. Teaching experience
Integrated Masters in Medicine: Molecular Biology of the Cell, Human Genetics and research traineeship in Molecular Biology
1st cycle in Biology and Biochemistry: Microbiology and Human Biology and Genetics
Supervisor of PhD and Master?s thesis and undergraduate research traineeships

6. Other activities and responsibilities
Development and scientific supervision of the project GENORATION ( pt/) (since 2008)
Member of the Scientific Council and of the Assembly of the Center for Life Sciences (since 2009)
Member of the editorial board of ISRN (since 2012)
Referee of ISRN Genetics, Journal of Comparative Biology, Journal of Pediatric Neurology and Human Genetics


- Dengue virus infection and long-term health status in Madeira Island: a retrospective questionnaire-based study, Paulo Henriques, Helena Caldeira-Araújo, Maria da Luz Brazão, Ana Maria Abreu, Ana Margarida Vigário, Alexandra Rosa, 6º Congresso Nacional de Medicina Tropical, Instituto de Higiene e Medicina Tropical, Lisboa, 2023

- Madeira´s dengue outbreak - neutralizing antibodies 8 years after a symptomatic infection, Paulo Henriques, Catarina Luis, Rita Silva, Eili Huhtamo, Essi M Korhonen, Cláudia N. Duarte dos Santos, Jéssica Chaves, M. da Luz Brazão, Helena Caldeira-Araújo, Alexandra Rosa, Ana Margarida Vigário, XLVII Annual Meeting of the Portuguese Society for Immunology and Workshop of the Iberian Flow Cytometry Society, 2023

- A sex-biased ancestry for four ethnic groups in São Tomé and Príncipe, Teresa Rito, Catarina Cruz, Rita Gonçalves, João Almeida, Luísa Sá, Simon Azonbakin, Anatóle Laleye, António Brehm, Alexandra Rosa, Pedro Soares, 1536-5964, 26ª Reunião Anual da Sociedade Portuguesa de Genética Humana, 2022

- Antibody response against Dengue in asymptomatic infections in Madeira Island, Henriques P, Luis C, Silva R, Huhtamo E, Korhonen EM, Teixeira F, Freitas B, Chaves J, Brazão ML, Caldeira-Araújo H, Rosa A, Vigário AM, XLVII Annual Meeting of the Portuguese Society for Immunology and Workshop of the Iberian Flow Cytometry Society, 2022

- Evaluating the maternal ancestry of the Trans-atlantic slave-trade: the role of the Ouidah Port in the Bight of Benin, Luísa Sá, Catarina Cruz, Rita Gonçalves, Simon Azonbakin, Anatóle Laleye, António Brehm, Alexandra Rosa, Teresa Rito, Pedro Soares., XVIII Encontro Nacional de Biologia Evolutiva, 2022

- Haplogroupes de l?ADN mitochondriale et diversité génétique au sein de la population béninoise: etat des lieux, Azonbakin AS, Rosa A, Cruz C, Brehm A, et Lalèyè A., J Afr Pediatr Genet Med, 2022, 6

- Hereditary angioedema ? a retrospective cohort study in Madeira, Sofia Cosme Ferreira, Alexandra Rosa, Rita Câmara, Susana Oliveira, Filipa Sousa, Mara Fernandes e Letícia Pestana, 1398-9995, European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology (EAACI) Hybrid Congress 2022, 2022

- Identification of a novel SERPING1 indel variant causing Hereditary Angioedema type I in a patient from Madeira, Mendoza-Alvarez A, Rosa A, Sousa F, Câmara R, Muñoz-Barrera A, Marcelino-Rodriguez I, Tosco-Herrera E, Corrales A, Iñigo-Campos A, González-Montelongo R, Lorenzo-Salazar JM, Flores C., 1476-5438, European Human Genetics Conference, ESHG 2022, 2022

- Les haplotypes de l?ADN mt au sein de la population Béninoise, AZONBAKIN, Azandégbé Simon, ROSA Alexandra, RITO Térésa , SOARES Pedro, BREHM Antonio, LALEYE Anatole, 3ème Congrès de la Société Africaine Francophone d?Histologie-Embryologie et Cytogénétique (SAFHEC), 2022

- Phylogeography of Sub-Saharan Mitochondrial Lineages Outside Africa Highlights the Roles of the Holocene Climate Changes and the Atlantic Slave Trade, Luísa Sá, Mafalda Almeida, Simon Azonbakin, Erica Matos, Ricardo Franco-Duarte, Alberto Gómez-Carballa, Antonio Salas, Anatóle Laleye, Alexandra Rosa, António Brehm, Martin B. Richards, Pedro Soares, and Teresa Rito, 1422-0067, International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2022, 11

Habilitações Académicas

- Doutoramento em Biologia, 2007, Universidade da Madeira

- Licenciatura em Biologia, 2001, Universidade da Madeira